他们说如果愿意缴的话,其罚款100元是可以减少的...-___-" 还真是马来西亚政府的作风啊,什么东西都有得商量减款是不是?
发票不是写你的名,是妹妹的名耶... 你们自己都不紧张,算了!
Anyhow, that's not the point of this story. The point is, it's showing that their generation is hooking up on facebook now, start reading our status and leaving comments, a way of "connecting" to our younger generation.
It's kinda weird to read the comments aunt left at first, but then was used to it after that...
As my aunt was saying, one of her colleagues told her a story about her neighbours and friends all know what is her son doing, what is her son is up to at this moment while her, as the mother is CLUELESS about ANYTHING of the son. Well, maklumlah her son won't be telling her where he go makan with friends, what movie they watch and all one mah...
So it was kinda cultural chock for her to then find out about facebook, about all those status updates from mobile and all, and so forth also thinking maybe can check on her son's status once in a while. Well, that's PROVIDED if her son is smart enough not to add the mother as friend lah... :P
So her the relative part. And so yesterday when my other aunt, Aunt S was asking me to help out with the blog post and all, I sort of asked my cousin "I thought you hang online a lot, takkan you don't know anything about this stuff?"
And so this kinda triggered Aunt M to share this story she hear from her colleague, and suggest that Aunt S join facebook as well... Haha...
Anyhow, perhaps Aunt S isn't those hang on pc type of person so she might think it's a little troublesome so the topic was closed.
Here's the fun part now... TODAY, as i was onlining at my grandma's, as I am still doing so now, both my aunt were here. I saw this status update by my cousin (Aunt S's son) mentioning his trial result --> bad mood --> cut hair short..
I left a comment under his status, then asked Aunt S, "He had a haircut today?"
Well, Aunt say she hasn't go home yet so she's not sure & asked why i asked.
As soon as she finished saying that, my cousin's MSN message popped out asking urgently where am i?
me: i'm at grandma's. Your mum is here... XD
Then he was like shock and quickly ask me NOT to let his mum know his status or else he'll die.
Anyhow, so now Aunt M caught the chance of suggesting Aunt S join facebook... I'm not sure that she's interested but still, I can only say, "GOOD LUCK, couz~" Hahaha...
So what do you think? Would you add your parents as friends in facebook IF they join?
Piano Tuning & Repair
And so we put up an ad on OLX.com.my, hopefully some business turns up... who knows?
Anyway, just for the information, I help put a SIMPLE advert here also lah... XD
Computerised Tuning, repair, regulation.
Buy & Sell used pianos.
Service covers Klang Valley.
For more information. contact
Mr CHUA (Dip. P.T.R.(USA) )
Pathetic connection
The main confusion is that it shows "Connected, Signal: Very Good" BUT still, the webpage couldn't load at all~!
Well, then after a couple of days, i finally cannot tahan & called up the customer service. And after the conversation, i finally understand why people called them Screamyx as the only main concern of the other side is SERIOUSLY "Have you tried switch off the modem? Switch on again?"... what the... Last time when i see people complaining about this online, i was thinking "That lousy meh?" and now i know SERIOUSLY, it's NO JOKE!
Apparently today the customer service called back to "confirm" there's no problem from their side... *hinting it's either our pc or our router problem, shit...*
Until now, my house internet connection is still down, and i have to come over to my grandma's house (neighbour) to use their W1max...
It's already been a few days... Dunno need how long some more... Pathetic
movie- Where Got Ghost?
Went to watch 吓到笑 (Where Got Ghost?) with Janessa as she’s extremely free lately. I think this is the second time I watch movie with her, after so many years of cousin konon.. :P
Nearly forgot today is a school holiday, the movie is like PACK~ By the time we bought our tickets, it was like first 5 rows from the screen, omg…
By the time we enter the cinema, I realised the 70% of the audience are KIDS… Talking about “freedom”… (but then hor… I thought kids should watch F-Force rather than this?)
Anyway, as the previous few Jack Neo production, tho he’s only co-directing the movie has his humour in it. It was HILARIOUS~! So funny the whole cinema is basically laughing our minds off, well… There was ghost but seriously they are NOT SCARY at all. So it’s literally “Gia Diok Siao” (read it in Hokkian)…
This movie has 3 stories… "Roadside Got Ghost" 《路边有鬼》, "Forest Got Ghost" 《树林有鬼》 and "House Got Ghost" 《家里有鬼》respectively, the movie features local comedians including Mark Lee李国煌, Henry Thia程旭辉, Tay Yin Yin郑盈盈, Wang Lei王雷, John Cheng钟耀南, etc.
Well, if you’ve watched Jack Neo’s previous movies like “Money Not Enough 1 & 2”, then you’ll know… Yes, the three brothers… And the ghost at home… Who? You know lah… Haha..
This is a VERY FUNNY MOVIE… I rate it maybe 9/10? ( Haha… Minus the 1 mark for some of the POOR and obviously fake computer effect.. ) Go watch go watch~!! Go laugh laugh a bit…
去看了一看,发现主题是【女生就讨厌这样的女生】,结果… 哈哈!才看了开头十分钟我就笑到半死~ Sam, I understand why you want us to watch this episode~!
答案不外乎就是喜欢大胸部、装可怜、柔弱、爱装嗲的女生啊~ 这些都是女性公敌,而却都是男人最爱。什么内涵,什么知性美,男生们,少假~
所以啊,女生们,当你看到一个眼睛瞎了的男生,就算了,任他自生自灭吧… 哈哈,反正多说无益,对不?
不过hor 不过hor… 其中一点:我个性本来就很男生啊,跟很多男生真的很buddy耶,这… 该不会有女生会因此讨厌我吧?哈哈哈~*我可没有“垄断市场”哦,我可是会“分享资源”的*
看了下来,就真的很好笑,因为那些女生控诉所讨厌的女生,正中红心啊~ 虽然很明显也是男生一面倒所喜欢的女生。所以… 哈哈,同学们,去看去看!!看你有没有深受同感啊?
G(uinea pig)-FORCE
Thanks to Cinema Online, I got 2 tickets for G-Force screening @ Cathay Cineplex Damansara…
My initial plan was to go with any friend BUT the reality is NO ONE is free to entertain me, so i went with my aunt instead. Well, this is the first time the both of us watch movie at e-Curve so we actually spent some time looking for it.
When we were there to redeem tickets, I saw there’s other few booth redemption such as Tsunami by MY FM. These were my tickets…
I thought row “M” should be further back but… Haha… Then only i knew the last row begins with “A”~ So you can imagine la~ Anyhow, LUCKILY the seats are comfy & the screen isn’t TOO big so still ok.
Ok, let’s go into the MOVIE~ G-FORCE = Guinea pig-FORCE, i suppose
The movie is FUN! The cute guinea pigs with the humorous lines, those male-female attraction theory (don’t think kids <10yrs of age can understand these lines tho)… And guinea pigs playing FB?! Illuminated guinea pigs?! And there’s other cute little stuffs like the mole, hamster, mice…
Oh, by the way, the voice-over of the brilliant genius mole is NICHOLAS CAGE!! And the attractive female guinea pig’s PENELOPE CRUZ~
*Later on Wednesday morning I got an sms from MIX FM saying I won ANOTHER 2 tickets for that night’s screening for this… Haha… But didn’t go lah…*
荷兰运动医学专家指出,体内荷尔蒙波动对脂肪燃烧很有影响。他们把月经最后2天及月经后1周称为“燃脂福利期”,在此期间,身体分解脂肪的能力比平时高 2成。建议你在这段时间通过适宜运动燃烧身体脂肪,尤其是堆积在腹部的脂肪。对你的健康而言,燃烧脂肪比减轻体重更重要。
建议你在月经最后2 天,每天做20分钟瑜珈、15分钟快走和几个简单拉伸小动作。在月经后1周内,每天做30分钟以上有氧运动。运动医学专家推荐,每小时6.5千米快走运动,对燃烧身体脂肪最有效。快走时注意要腹部用力,想象身体像悬挂在空中般快速行走,这对燃烧腹部脂肪最有帮助,有意想不到的收腹效果。运动后感到腹部紧绷是正常现象,这是腹部脂肪分解必经过程,2-3天后腹部就能恢复柔软。
除此之外,你还可以试试德国医学专家克鲁夫·希德奇教的小妙招,他说:“女性的各项身体机能在月经期间较为敏感,只要学会合理触摸穴位,就能让大脑获得 ‘潜能力’。具体方法很简单:用拇指和食指从上到下轻轻按摩整个耳朵,3分钟后,再用食指用力按压太阳穴1分钟。这种办法能促进大脑皮层的血液流动,消除疲劳感和记忆障碍。
movie - MURDERER

Went to watch Murderer (starring Aaron Kwok) with Tom yesterday. Before the movie, i read a review of it, saying it was the “one of the most disturbing movie of the year…”, “...i felt totally speechless at the end of the movie” & “Go watch this movie IF AND ONLY IF you’re a big fan of Aaron Kwok bah if not don’t waste your time. Like seriously.”
Well, it sounds like a rather harsh review but still, well… There’s always time when human tends to “fan-jin” 犯贱 & wanna know is this movie really THAT bad? What’s more, there’s the lovely, pretty Chan Chun-Ning 张钧宁 that I LOVE~ So anyhow, I still go to the cinema for it.
First of all, the whole theatre consist ONLY 5 person… Which made me kinda wonder is it not the peak hour (2:30pm on WEDNESDAY) ? Was it because the people now prefer TGV Bkt Tinggi than Bkt Raja? OR because this movie really isn’t that attractive?
AFTER the movie, I could only say, I COULDN’T AGREE MORE with Joshua Ong’s review~!! I’m TOTALLY SPEECHLESS~
Lazy to type so long so quote Joshua a little:
Everything was pretty well done, from the start of the whole mysterious horrifying scene, the various strong characters that were built and shown, to where it shows that every single clue and evidence points that Ling is the murderer in the serial killing cases.
BUT by the middle part of it, things starts to get a little draggy, and the pace is kinda slow with a little bit too much of emo scenes and all… Me and Tom starts to get a little annoyed.
Well, like the usual suspense movie, when all the evidence shows that you’re the killer, most probably the outcome turns out that YOU ARE NOT, or else there’ll be no surprise, right? And so when there’s the VERY TINY LITTLE hint telling you the possibility of another person, I started guessing in my mind already. Well, what else could you do when you’re in the middle of a draggy suspense movie that makes your mind wander anyway…
When I set my target of the ultimate killer, I still doubt it a little cos I was thinking: “Erm… TAKKAN the SAME IDEA of a rare disease will show up in 2 DIFFERENT MOVIES which are SCREENING in cinema at THE SAME TIME?? How LAME COULD THAT BE?” erm… *those who watched Orphan might understand what I'm trying to say*
But then when the ending revealed, SERIOUSLY… It’s REALLY THAT LAME~ & it’s EVEN LAMER than i could have imagined~!! And you couldn’t believe the length of the movie AFTER the killer was revealed. SERIOUSLY you feel like killing Aaron Kwok ON THE SPOT so you can have the ending & leave the cinema!
Aih… REVIEW? SPEECHLESS… No feeling of satisfaction at all after the movie. The ONLY relief is that I watched it on Wednesday, or else I might be so sakit hati over my money, man…
Guess the Character
Just like normal gathering, most of them starts with an ice-breaker. So the other day we had this “Guess the animated character”:-
-There were written slips for you to pick, then after you chose the random slip, it will be stick on your forehead without you looking at it. By now, EVERYONE in the room will be able to see & know the character on your forehead EXCEPT yourself.
-Everyone gets a turn to ask anyone ONE question in a round, and the round goes on..
-The question you ask may only be a “Yes or No” question.
Well, since we were being notified that the characters will be in animation/cartoon category, people who grew up in so many cartoons in my head will have to seriously squeeze the brain juice out of my head to guess a specific one leh… Even Disney alone there’s >100 cartoons, what’s more there’s WB, Pixar & a whole lot variety of animated character?!
Ok, I’m sounding way too serious for an ice-breaker here… Some of the character on the spot were Powerpuff Girl, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Superman… It seems easy, right?
And so i asked a few questions:
-Is my character a male? (YES)
-Is my character a cartoon?(YES)
-Is my character from Disney? (NO)
-Is my character a superhero? (NO)
-Is my character an animal? (YES)
Could you guess what was the character on my forehead by now? Well, I didn’t get the guess after a few person guessed their character right while the rest of us were considered lost.
Do you have any idea what my character is YET….?
Introducing our OLD LONG FRIEND….
Yes, BUGS BUNNY... “What’s up DOC ?” Hahaha…
*seriously have pengsan feeling on the spot…*
Just heard about this from my uncle today… A new 20% toll rebate for frequent travellers~!!
The following information was taken from www.touchngo.com.my
Introducing Frequent Travelers Programme brought to you by Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia, Kementerian Kerja Raya Malaysia and Touch 'n Go Sdn Bhd. Enjoy 20% toll rebate for 80 transactions and more monthly at all highways starting September 2009!
It's simple and as easy as 123! Just follow the simple steps below:-Step 1 Pay your toll with Touch 'n Go Card with or without SmartTAG (except Fleet Xs and Biz Xs cards) at all highways in Peninsular Malaysia.
Step 2 Make sure you have minimum of 80 transactions or more in a calendar month. Need an easy tracking of your toll transactions? Register here on this page!
Step 3 Bring your Touch 'n Go card and visit Touch 'n go hubs at Faber Towers or KL Sentral; or selected Highway Sales Centre. The 20% rebate will be credited to your card immediately.
If you do not own a Touch 'n Go Card, get the limited edition 1Malaysia Touch 'n Go card today!
Well, you MIGHT not have a Touch ‘n Go YET, & perhaps you don’t like a 1Malaysia-designed card BUT you must admit it’s really a good deal if you travel to work using passing toll EVERYDAY, right?
What’s more now the new Touch ‘n Go card DO NOT NEED DEPOSIT~ You can get it at RM10 with RM10 debit inside~!! COOL right? Haha… I’m so gonna get one soon~!!
birthday cake surprise
Went to E1 cell group yesterday, in Glenmarie. Initially planned to join a cell somewhere in Klang, but seems like the cell group nearby are mostly for Highschool / College groups. Well, have to face a fact that i’m not in college category anymore.
Anyhow, since Debbie is there in E1, so i said ok lah…
Well, today Tom shared about healing in the house of God :-
We ALL have a “withered hand”, problems probably in workplace, family, career, etc… NO ONE is excluded from having problems, but there’s always an answer for all the problems, which is God’s HEALING POWER.
God has the power of heal. God can lead & guide us BUT He couldn’t guide IF we ourselves do not step out of our comfort zone. Without stepping forward and stretching out our withered hands, nothing will happen.
Miracle is stepping forward in faith towards a goal, doing what you couldn’t do before.
Simple and nice message…
So after everything, it’s so called FELLOWSHIP TIME~ Haha, what’s a gathering without fellowship, right?
After a while, I thought of going to the washroom, then when i turned at the corner, ei~~~? Tom was holding a birthday cake wor… He looked a bit shock, while i was thinking whose birthday?!
I thought ok lar, since ppl wanna sing birthday song then i can go toilet later geh, how long could a song take, right? And so I turned back to the living room and when they started singing “Happy Birthday” to me THEN ONLY i realised… Har? My birthday ah?
Hahaha… blur me… I really didn’t expect this coming leh as my birthday past already~ What a birthday cake surprise~!
*After that when i come think of it, only i realised this is my 1st birthday cake this year wor…* THANKS A LOT peeps~
Anna Sui Moisture Rich Base
前些天在龙猫的部落格上读到说她去拿了Anna Sui 产品的sample,服务人员还免费帮忙上淡妆。我读了原本也不以为意,因为我本来就不是常化妆的女生。可是后来再次在 nuffnang 的看到Anna Sui的这个广告,就吸引我的注意力了…
据说销售员不但不会推销产品,而且还会帮忙上妆?hmm… 可以考虑~Anna Sui 耶,试试看不妨啊~
耽搁了整个星期,今天我终于赋予行动,去领了这一份free sample…
拿到的贈品,左為隔離霜,另一个为粉底。Anna Sui 这一个Moisture Rich Powder Foundation 有七种肤色,而且有SPF 12PA++。当然那销售员会选择你的肤色系。粉底盒是普通的塑膠盒,可是整个造型就很美啊…
有兴趣的朋友可以到这里填写基本资料,然后打印出兑换卷。活动到9月30日,可是是先到先得的,所以… 快!
话说进入农历七月好些日子了… *as if i care ,反正我对这个月份比较感兴趣的就是一系列的惊悚片*
刚刚YX突然说:「鬼门关已经开了。 七月十三晚上11时,鬼门关大开~」
YX:「么有,觉得很爽… 哈哈哈,据说女鬼都很美」
YX:「派你家的去,要他们眼睛… omg~ ~据说狗看到gui,会一直吠」
YX:「人家狗狗吠,是防止鬼魂进屋…… 可能...在你的家了。」
某某,你嘴巴也未免太衰了~ 无聊…放心,如真的跟阿飘碰面的话,会拜托它去探访你一下让你看看美不美 XD
Blood donation
自从6年前在KTAR第三次捐血后,之后的每一次都时机不对。数天前看见CHC的family day里有捐血这一环节,我心里就打定主意今天我一定要捐血啦~
而且这一次还拖Elsa下水,哈哈,人家可是被我拉去“献出第一次”哦~ 这么有意义的第一次,当然要留纪念咯~
来,Elsa,smile~ 哈哈,有够无聊的…