
For One More Day

"If you had the chance, just one chance, to go back and fix what you did wrong in life, would you take it? And if you did, would you be big enough to stand it? Mitch Albom, in this new book, once again demonstrates why he is one of my favourite writers: a fearless explorer of the wishful and magical, he is also a devout believer in the power of love. For One More Day will make you smile. It will make you wistful. It will make you blink back tears of nostalgia. But most of all, it will make you believe in the eternal power of a mother's love."
-JAMES MCBRIDE, author of The Color of Water
Tuesdays with Morrie 到《天堂遇见的五个人》,Mitch Albom 通过故事诉说着世间的一切皆因为爱。He's one of my fav writer because 每一次看他的小说都会深刻体会珍惜家人朋友的重要,感激他们给予的爱和包容。
Just like Mitch Albom mentioned in his prologue, every family is a ghost story. Because of their stories, we have ours.
This story is about Charley Benetto, a broken man, his life destroyed by alcohol and regret. He loses his job. He leaves his family. He hits rock bottom after discovering he won't be invited to his only daughter's wedding. And he decides to take his own life.
What follows is the one seemingly ordinary day so many of us yearn for: a chance to make good with a lost parent,to explain the family secrets and to seek forgiveness.
In the book, there's a part where Charley listed out the times his mother stood up for him & the times he did NOT stand up for her. Though I can't recall (or do I just choose to forget) about times I did not stand up for my mum, it made me start to think about times that I hurt her feelings.
For One More Day 让我同感身受,明白到主角那失去母亲,很想再见她一面的切身之痛。很多时候我们都忽略了一个事实:妈妈,是我们人生中的第一个好朋友;而她也永远会是我们最好的朋友, whether we like it or not。
这是一本很棒的书,it'll make you re-evaluate your attitude to your parents & appreciate their love & care.

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