My Date Night
你那傻气 我真是想念
时间走了 谁还在等呢
世界太复杂 你说单纯很难
跟你走吧 管它去哪呀
你远远的关心 其实更长
No Sweat!
Have you watched the movie “全城热恋热辣辣”(Hot Summer Days)? Yes, when talk about SWEAT, it makes me think and relate to this movie! WHY?
If you have yet to watch, here's the trailer... Watch it, then you'll get my point..
Everyone SWEAT like mad, even by looking at the scenes itself makes me feel hot and sticky even though I was seating inside the cooling cinema that day.
Ok, I know that's a little exaggerating, Malaysia's HOT but not as bad as the movie BUT for a person who sweats easily like me, ... It ain't a pretty scene *especially when I eat spicy food*
Yes, I LVE HOT & SPICY food, that's where all the aroma and spice are~ BUT I CANNOT TAHAN PEDAS, thus I'll keep sweating... Imagine when you're eating spicy food in a place without air-cond, man.
NOW, with the new ADIDAS ACTION 3, makan pedas pun NO SWEAT!
Walk under hot sun also NO SWEAT!
HOT SUMMER DAYS (Obviously Malaysia's in summer 365days/year) pun NO SWEAT!!
What's more, I smell FRESH all the time~ Woohoo~ Don't you just LOVE the idea of looking cool and breezy all day long?
Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS. Auditions are now open! Check it out at www.projectalpha.com.my/auditions
My Sister's Keeper
Happy Birthday smashpOp!
Everybody got a chance in a year to YELL out to the world that “It’s MY BIRTHDAY!!” and well, you could basically do ANYTHING to celebrate it the way you like~
This 21st of March, it’s yet again Lengzai SmashPop’s BIRTHDAY!! And YES he’s giving out 4 VERY CUTE Kido Daruma, in collaboration with Actioncity~ !! oh my oh my~!!
So I would like to wish him HAPPY BIRTHDAY, may you (Jason) has a blessed year ahead, have a GREAT 2010!
Happy Birthday smashpOp!
I want Kido Daruma from ActionCity!
I SO HOPE I can be one of the lucky ones to get these cute little Kido~~ *Always wanted one~ hope hope*
By the way, since there’s 4 colour, I’d hope I can get the PINK one if i’m lucky~ *It’s so cute it’s saying “YUMMY” which is SO ME~ FOOD is HEAVENLY! *
I'm going to the Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair
When I see the name “GATSBY”, all that i could think of is TAKUYA KIMURA!
Oh my, doesn't he just look GOOD?! *Too bad he doesn't show up in Malaysia*
Well, because of this CHARMING, I came to know about Gatsby brand few years ago but as far as I know, I knew only about their hair product (Yes, obviously can't have enough of Takuya Kimura~)...
New to my findings, now Gatsby not only have hair styling product, they also have hair coloring, face care, shaving and even body care products.
This year Gatsby has come out with new Deodorant Series that provides double protection! In conjunction with it's launching promotion, Gatsby is having a DEODORANT STREET FAIR!!
Date: 17 April 2010
Time: 10 am – 5 pm
Venue: Front Foyer, Ground Floor, Berjaya Times Square, KL.
There are going to be lucky draws and there'll be various cool gadgets worth up to RM15,000 up for grabs! Among the exciting fun-fair games on that day - Sumo Wrestling (in air bag suits!), gladiator battles and other amusing and addictive games you would expect at a fun-fair!
For more information of this FUN street fair, log on to www.gatsby.com.my/streetfair
Oh my it sounds SO FUN already just by blogging about it! I'm so gonna show up, how bout you? Let's join the FUN!
I Just Love Good Smelling People
Have you ever stayed in winter cities where it's snowing outside and the wind is blowing? You couldn't stand the temperature INDOOR unless you have a heater.
Do you know in some places (such as dormitory), you have to walk out to public bathroom to get a bath? Imagine walking out to a public bathroom just to have a bath UNDER the COLD FREEZING weather... Surely it's not a happy thing to do, right? That's why you'll see people who bath only once in 3 days, or maybe a week!
You think it's UNBELIEVABLE? Well, wait till you're in a situation when you'll think you smell something weird as somebody walk pass you.
Well, that is in WINTER though, I think it's kinda hard to find a person that doesn't bath for days under the HOT scorching weather of Malaysia, yes, an OVEN… Everyone would SWEAT A LOT! *Well, okay, provided you're not inside an air-cond place*
None the less, after you sweat, you have a kind of odour that well, not very pleasing and maybe it's OKAY to you, but definitely NOT for others around you! Especially when coincidentally you're standing in front of the air-cond, and the odour spreads to everyone near you...
Imagine you're inside an LRT or bus at peak hours, and somebody near you is holding the handle above thus the armpit is “open-aired”...
… Wait a minute, are YOU blushing now? Are YOU that person with odour instead?
MAYBE you think that PERFUME or COLOGNE will do the job of covering the odour. Trust me, it won't! In fact, the combination of COLOGNE + SWEAT = people could SMELL you from afar! (and it's really NOT pleasing)
So what can you do? Here's a solution:
Adidas Action Absorbent Anti-perspirant Deo Spray makes you SMELL FRESH & SMELL GOOD!
Try it out, and before you know it, you'll be so lovable that people like to hang out with you more!
Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS
回到马来西亚的这半年,再次有twitter access之后,我真的越来越少update blog了。只因为twitter,只要短短的一句statement就好,当然有时候140个字是不足够的。blog 如果只有短短的一句,像话吗?
不过嘛,这也不是这random post出现的主要原因。
有我的facebook/twitter/ 噗浪的朋友都可能发觉了我真的很喜欢看电影。*当然我可以发誓我认识的人里面,我绝对不是看电影最凶的那几位!*
然后呢,最糟的状况就是当有多出来的两张票,姐姐或弟弟其中一个没兴趣看,那就得开始到处问人有谁想看的… 可是咧,sms了心中几个人选都不得空后,就PO在facebook/msn状态上看谁有兴趣,送票咯! 偏偏这种时候呢,大家都貌似没有看到这些status的。
而通常就在我status换上:「Sigh... Tired of asking who wants free tix for movie d.. It's either everyone's SO BUSY or they dont give a crap of other's status...」的时候,每一个潜水的人才会纷纷留言说他们要/为什么不问他们?
…到底是想怎样?! 送票又没人理,没票的时候就来问我有没有票,脑袋有毛病吗?真的都想骂靠腰
This weekend our very own City Harvest has a special guest in our midst, ALARICE!
Alarice is a singer-songwriter who was born in New Zealand to Singaporean parents, and grew up in Australia. The 23-year-old released her debut EP “Songs for a Season” in 2008, and sold over 3,000 copies within 6 months.
- Intro extracted from CHCKL bulletin
Frankly I've never heard of Alarice before this as I've been listening more of Chinese songs these few years. So this is the first time I heard her sing and her voice in awesome indeed!
Alarice performing her new song “Sunday Afternoon”…
Then after a short interview, she performed another song of hers, “Part the Seas” and a tribute to Michael Jackson, “Man In The Mirror”.
She's such a sweet and lovely girl with marvelous voice!
I've even took video of her two performance but as I tried to upload it to share (planning to share on Alarice's fan group) on FB, I got this "Notification of Alleged Copyright Violation" saying the video was being removed as " it appears to contain copyrighted material owned by a third party, such as a video clip or background audio. Please note that if you re-upload this video without filing a counter notice, or if you upload another video that infringes on the rights of a third party, we may remove the content. This could cause your access to the Facebook Video application, or your Facebook account itself, to be disabled." !!
=.=" what the heck~ Then how come Alarice's fanpage has other videos shared by fans?! It ain't easy uploading videos with Malaysia's internet connection, ya know? What ever... Better still, keep the videos to myself & save up my energy of uploading...
Anyway, if you wanna PREVIEW Alarice's music, you may visit her youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/alaricemusic
Or for more info, visit her official website: http://www.alaricemusic.com/alarice.html
Or better still, just go GRAB A COPY OF HER CD! –end of story-
前些日子跟一群朋友在家里小聚。吃完东西聊天后大家都不知道要干啥,结果就玩一下“Truth or Dare”。
这其实应该是个非常精彩刺激的游戏,可我们这一群人偏偏又不是那种很放得开来玩疯狂事情的人,truth的话,朋友那么多年了,也没什么事情大家会特别想知道的… 所以呢,就出现了这么一个非常无聊的问题:“请描述你的初吻。”
这个时候... 被问及的女生哑口无言,想了好久,然后回答了一句:记得是谁,可是还真不记得当时是什么状况了。