
Cousin's wedding

今天是二堂哥的大日子,人家娶新娘啦! 他是我们萧家同辈中第一个结婚的,所以也是全家必出席的大日子啊~ Today is my cousin's BIG day. It's kinda big day for our whole Sew family because he's the first of our generation to get marry~

新人上个星期已经公证了,今天是娶新娘过门、拜祖先、敬茶等华人传统仪式。They've officially registered last week so today is the Chinese wedding & tea ceremony thingy where they serve tea to the elders of the family.

我爸爸身为二叔,当然也是座上嘉宾咯。My dad as the uncle, was being served tea…

至于我们这一些未婚小辈呢,就是向新人们讨红包的那一些(这一环节我今天才知道,而且我还以为我们得敬茶给新人,结果都不用)。不过这样就有一个利是入袋了,也是好事一桩(而且还是在新年的开始耶)! 哈哈,开始欣赏这繁琐的传统敬茶仪式咯~ As for us, younger cousins (consider “siblings”), will get ang pao from the newly weds instead. Haha... Starting to love this tea ceremony thingy.

总而言之,恭喜啦!Congratulations, my cousin~

Photo of the day:

Tea set used for the tea ceremony.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

你這篇blog load了十分鐘才load好,是什麼原因影響呢?
