
米修 米修

相信有看台湾偶像剧的人都知道“米修 米修”是啥东西。对,就是现在网络上最火红的《下一站,幸福》里的miss you miss you…


其实我从第一集开始就看了,为了那还不错看的吴建豪,还有片头曲里出现的小小彬… 可是结果看到第5集,真的受不了那些芭拉的剧情+还没看到小小彬,就作罢了。

结果在大家都沉醉于小小彬的“米修 米修”,粉丝们一路狂追到17集的同时,我还停顿在犹豫该不该继续看这脑残偶像剧的阶段。

为何说脑残? 撇开我越看越觉得不顺眼的安以轩角色不说,从一开始这剧就有过多的眼泪。男女主角几乎都特别喜欢将自己推向悲惨(但其实不值得可怜)的选择,一堆咎由自取的痛苦… 真的差点以为这是现代版琼瑶了。

脑肿瘤?哎… 前些日子妹妹说晚上时常失眠,然后某一天晚上头部剧烈疼痛,后来去看医生,医生担心她会不会有脑肿瘤,因为“据说”最近“有不少”年轻患者有类似症状,然后结果都是脑肿瘤… =.=”医生啊,希望你不会是看太多偶像剧的后遗症吧?Big Grin

一堆爱得要生要死,结果未婚单亲妈妈,仍然可以有可爱的小孩,以及potentially下一站的幸福… Confused孩子们不要把这风气当浪漫然后搞出一堆社会问题出来啊~ 小朋友们,我并不是说单亲女人无能力抚养小孩,不过请真的不要认为这种情况叫浪漫,OK?

想来想去,我还是真的很想看小小彬到底何等魅力,结果就忍着骂脑残的冲动,挨过了第6集… 然后第7集~ Long awaited 小小彬终于出现啦!


可是结果看到第一眼,说真的,心里有点小失望… 虽然说跟其爸爸小彬彬长得很神似,不过眼神有些呆,朋友msn头像中静态的小小暂时彬比较得我的眼缘。看下去再说吧,可能迟一些我也会爱上这小可爱也说不定~?

哎,又是失忆!发觉偶像剧中失忆真的是非常好用的桥段!那么老套,却仍那么受用?eg 经典的《流星花园2》、《天堂来的孩子》、《幸福的抉择》…到最近的《海派甜心》也用上这一段了... sigh… 给点创意行不行? 好,再撇开这点不说... 脑肿瘤,然后反复手术太多次,大脑受损严重导致失忆?!@@ 真的如此的话,这些医生为去除这肿瘤也冒太大的风险了吧?!有点扯...





不过呢,剧中那一个 memory card的幸运手链倒是真的看起来很不错…



If you know who's the late Yasmin Ahmad, then you would have known about her last movie “Muallaf”. Yes, it's finally up in Malaysia cinemas for some weeks now and I've finally watched it.

I could have watched it during its premier when I got the tickets BUT THEN the AVATAR premier (which *yes, I also got the tickets*)was on the SAME NIGHT SAME TIME~!Well... Ummhmm... I went to the later...


Brief introduction from CinemaOnline:

"Muallaf" tells the story of two Malay sisters, 20 year old Rohani (Sharifah Amani) and 14 year old Rohana (Sharifah Aleysha) who are on the run from their wealthy, abusive father. Finding refuge in a small town, they meet Brian (Brian Yap), a 30 year old Catholic school teacher who finds himself irresistibly drawn to the sisters and their extraordinary courage. This relationship inevitably forces Robert to confront a haunting memory of his own troubled childhood.

Muallaf is mainly about issues of love and forgiveness. The passion of the two sisters seeking comfort and peace from the word of God, *both Quran and Bible*. It's not like betraying one's religion but it's more of wanting to know more about God thus they do comparitive study between both.

From this movie I learnt that, and or your information, “Muallaf” means “convert” in direct translation but let's NOT go into the religious issues here, k? Don't burn my blog~* 

I like the part where Rohani says “People are afraid of what they don't understand...”. When she says “Why do people always hang their hopes on other people? ”

I like it when both the sisters pray for forgiveness every night before they go to sleep.

I like it when both the sisters are so familiar with the verses from both the scriptures and they can find SO many similarities. I like it when they ask “Why do people fight over religion when we're all brothers?” That's a question a lot of us should ponder about. Weren't we thought to LOVE one another?

I'm sure Yasmin Ahmad's intention is not to say people of certain religion is so strict and mean in the movie. In fact, she's trying to put it in a way that everyone in some way make mistakes, even when they think they're doing the right thing, it maybe hurtful, and thus it's important for us to FORGIVE! *I once heard "Don't try to be holier than God." Indeed, lots of time it is not for us to JUDGE what others do.*

Interestingly, the main background of it is set in Ipoh~! Well, as I lived in Ipoh for couple of years, it made me keep thinking "Where is this?" and such.. But the ONLY place I'm totally sure of is the UdaOcean with its "UO" logo~ XD

In Yasmin Ahmad's movie, you can always find peace and unity regardless of unnecessary issues the politicians like to make a big fuss about...

it's REALLY a VERY good storyline. Simple yet reminds you what is peace at heart.


Day #8 happy birthday

towel cake on 365 Project

This picture is dedicated to Mr Lam, whom birthday is today...

Thought of getting a piece of cake & take a photo of it... Here's a fake cake, yeah.. Obviously a towel cake. *Actually it's a Christmas gift from my sweet friend Deb*

A photo of a 'cake' for you, birthday boy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY~ Till we meet again, ya~ Probably i'll give you a cake treat by then, if you insist. :)


Day #6 clear blue sky

clear blue sky on 365 Project *Through my window, I can see~*♩♪♯♩♪

The weather has been cloudy or rainy for the past few days, it's enjoying to see clear blue sky. Even though it means rather hot weather... :)

*and you can hear thunder outside now...*

06012010131_光影_1 The swing that has been hiding in the corner & abandoned for quite some time, has now been moved out to the clearance under the clear blur sky~

06012010132_光影_1 Rosie JR. just paused, waiting for something...

06012010134_光影_1It's past shopping hours & the staffs are starting to decor the mall for Chinese New Year festive~!

Paranormal Activity


As most horror movie freaks will know, Paranormal Activity is showing soon on cinemas! *Well, yeah i know it's already been showed LONG TIME ago overseas*

Anyway, thanks to NUFFNANG & GSC, I got the chance to watch it earlier today at Tropicana! Decided to watch it with Sam (he later reminded me the last time we've watched preview together was Lord of The Ring 1~ omg... So LONG ago~ Haha)

When I collected the tickets, I was kinda amused by the size of the paper... SO SMALL~!! but it looks VERY CUTE! and the girls gave me a Lemongrass Mint Doublemint (Is it a new product? I'm not sure as I seldom eat chewing gum *but this tastes ain't bad*) and the badge with it...

such a SMALL ticket 

You see what I mean by small? Haha.. *My sis later said: this is to save paper & environment mah~*

Ok... Let's go into the movie:

The movie started without any trailers beforehand. Just started out of the sudden, quietly...

When the paranormal started in the beginning, you might think "ok.. So that's it? What's next?"... You may consider the couple as paranoid. Kinda starts to bore me a little...

But THEN, when the strange activity gets more agressive, the tension starts to build up *and I actually starts to have headache, I think maybe my blood pressure went up :P*

And the near ending, you really can kinda feel the creep a little, and get a slight shock... and it ENDED~ With no credits, no theme song... Just like that!

It's a simple and low-budget (I suppose) movie with only ONE scene set which is the house & only FOUR person throughout the movie!

And guess what? The "creepy thing" never showed~

Haha... If you're VERY weak-hearted, it might not be suitable for you. If you're extremely cynical person, just DON'T walk into this movie, might break the fun of others that watch with you. But then if you just like some little rush of adrenaline + you have patience for documentary-style of movie shooting + you can tahan mild headaches after movie, then maybe it's ain't that bad at all...

Till then. Night!


Day #5: meal @ Kimchi Korean restaurant

meal @ Kimchi Korean restaurant on 365 Project

Reached quite early about dinner time at Tropicana.

Walked past this Korean reataurant with the name “Kimchi” and it made me crave for good kimchi so I went in and gave it a try.

Ordered a sizzling beef meal... Quite nice, tender beef... the kimchi provided is seriously nice~


New beginning

After a pampering month of 4 working days a week, TODAY is the brand new day for working adults, and brand new school semester for school kids~!! No more public holidays till CNY...

♭♪♩  This is the day that the God has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it...♩♪♩ * Ok, don't hit me~! *

Sister has officially started her new job as a teacher as in today, while kiddy officially starts his kindergarten. Kiddo starts his standard 3 as well~ Everyone’s back to school!

Me, as the usual, stayed at home and spent my day reading through Time Traveler's Wife. Been lagging for some time so I just think it's about time to continue with it and starts with a new book after this.

Nothing much happening... Then when aunt came home with a car full of baking ingredients, and I realise it's time for New Year COOKIE baking~ Anyone interested to place some orders? *Price list & photos will be up soon*

Day 4 of 365project:

A masquerade mask  aunt brought back for the kids to play... I guess it's from New Year party..


Cousin's wedding

今天是二堂哥的大日子,人家娶新娘啦! 他是我们萧家同辈中第一个结婚的,所以也是全家必出席的大日子啊~ Today is my cousin's BIG day. It's kinda big day for our whole Sew family because he's the first of our generation to get marry~

新人上个星期已经公证了,今天是娶新娘过门、拜祖先、敬茶等华人传统仪式。They've officially registered last week so today is the Chinese wedding & tea ceremony thingy where they serve tea to the elders of the family.

我爸爸身为二叔,当然也是座上嘉宾咯。My dad as the uncle, was being served tea…

至于我们这一些未婚小辈呢,就是向新人们讨红包的那一些(这一环节我今天才知道,而且我还以为我们得敬茶给新人,结果都不用)。不过这样就有一个利是入袋了,也是好事一桩(而且还是在新年的开始耶)! 哈哈,开始欣赏这繁琐的传统敬茶仪式咯~ As for us, younger cousins (consider “siblings”), will get ang pao from the newly weds instead. Haha... Starting to love this tea ceremony thingy.

总而言之,恭喜啦!Congratulations, my cousin~

Photo of the day:

Tea set used for the tea ceremony.



Photo of the day:

book on 365 Project



今天跟姐姐和她的朋友们唱完歌后,逛到书摊。原本想买Mitch Albom的Have A Little Faith,可是书摊只有译本,喜欢看原文的我就作罢。走走看看,结果就让我看到这一本在网路上看过封面多次的《人生拍卖会》,就买了!

现在的我还停留在《Time Traveler's Wife》的阶段。等我看完了那本,再进攻这本吧~


mail to the future

饭后我们到Bukit Tinggi AEON逛逛,因为小孩子们要开学了,要买一些文具,我们就去大众书局。



我这种那么喜爱收集美美东西的性格... 结果当然就是受不了木质明信片的诱惑,买了一个自己的星座来收藏!


好可爱哦!*我觉得我会觉得可爱,多少跟小时候喜欢集邮有关系* 当下真的很想买下它,不过还是忍住了...

“Mail to the future”,如果真的可以寄信给未来的自己(可能就像小叮当那样),你会想对未来的自己说什么呢?




泥泞中的娃娃鱼和螃蟹,看见了吗? 突然觉得这些鱼和螃蟹可怜,可是也不免佩服他们的生命力,这样的环境仍然可以生存!

不知道他在看什么... 连这样的风景也可以看得那么入神... 未来的孩子还有美景可以看吗?




皮蛋鱼粥上来啦~ 好好吃呗! 看小孩子都吃得很享受咧~

Photo of the day:

Hoola 2010~

这是我在这全新一年的第一个post... 却会是很糗的一篇。


接近十一点半的时候,我突然想到:咦,PPS会有直播吗?然后就上网了,看到旁边的列表中有“2009台北新年城跨年晚会”,然后就点击看啦~ 一点击,就看到主持人介绍倒数嘉宾——五月天~ woohoo~ 然后心情很兴奋地没有错过帅帅的阿信!



跟佳佳聊说看着五月天好开心,然后她说:对啊,她也是看着台北市的跨年直播啊,可是... 表演的是王力宏!

咦咦咦~~~ 看来看去... 然后我才发觉... 我看的竟然是去年的跨年表演~!!! 囧 算了,至少看得很开心...

好吧,大家: 新年快乐!!! 希望今年大家都能真正的很快乐吧~!!

对了,你们有没有新年新愿望的习惯?我自己是很少列新希望的,因为很多年前就觉悟了我通常都不会完成它们,甚至完全遗忘... 不过呢~ 今年还是不免俗列一下下好了!

想来想去... 其实也就不过那几项多年来都没认真实践的目标:

  • 减肥啊~!! (太多漂亮的衣服,却太少可以穿得好看的!)
  • 要认真读书考试 (可见得多年来我有多么地“认真”了,惭愧... –_ – )
  • 要学习拍更好的照片
  • 人生可以更开心 (并不是说现在不开心,因为这样goyang kaki了还不开心真的会遭天谴)
  • 一个月至少读一本书(文学类):以前曾经有维持过两三个月,后来不知怎么又不了了之...
  • 还有还有~ 可以找到志同道合的那么一个人啦~ ~(@^_^@)~ 哈哈,虽说现在还不desperate,不过有个目标总是好的开始!
  • oh...还有不忘要对我这几乎被荒废的blog好一些!