
The hunter

Saw a lizard on the tong sampah outside the house few days ago, then on Sunday afternoon, i saw the same lizard on the tong sampah AGAIN… My sis had a fright seeing it though…
Anyhow, later that afternoon, suddenly my brother said,”Rosie killed a lizard…” and she left it on the front door mat. When i wanted to take a photo of it, Rosie quickly picked it up & won’t let the dead lizard leave its mouth…
So i have to trick it in order to take this photo…
The dead lizard… Look quite nice, i personally think… But i won’t dare to go close to it if it’s alive . I don’t dare to pick it up even when it’s dead~
Just to show you how tiny it is…
So after the lizard hunt on Sunday, I think Rosie had some minor poisoning. You can see all the lao-sai all around the compound instead of the normal ones, and you can see some black stains around Rosie’s toungue.
Still, the blood of the hunter is still in her.
Just now, Rosie killed a pigeon. Yes, a PIGEON~!!! Too bad she won't let it leave her mouth & wants it as her dinner... Or else a pigeon soup, perhaps?
The pigeon feather is all over the yard… aih… Will need to clean it up later…


Handmade Dumpling Noodle

Went to church with my sis yesterday. After service, she kept on saying she wants to eat handmade dumpling… & so i follow her lead…According to her, this handmade dumpling, is VERY nice..
We walked down the street, and came to this shoplot... somewhere on Jalan SS15/48, near Subang Square.
The interior is VERY simply.. Gives me the feeling of some China kampung restaurant(客栈), with wooden table & stool…
While ordering, i thought of ordering some herbal tea… THEN i realised on the menu, other than those normal can drinks, they provide only 3-4 various drinks each day… Smart, don’t need to prepare too many kind of drinks everyday.
So on Sunday, the choice available nearest to my preference is Sea coconut longan 海底椰龙眼水…
A LOT of longan beneath~
As for  my sis, she’s enjoying her bubur cha cha…
And then, when our noodle is served… i was like “OMG~ the dumpling SO BIG~~!!”
Seriously, this handmade dumpling is SO BIG, the spoon cannot fit also~~
Don’t believe it? See it for yourself~~
You might think wow, it’s so big.. but how about the TASTE?
After one bite… Kao-lat~ GENG~ The dumpling “liao” is SO COMPACT, you have mouthfull of prawns & minced meat with ONE BITE~~ *yum*
Seriously, this dumpling is really recommended wey~~
BUT… I forgot the name of the shop already.. I just know some “Madam.. (something)*. Anyone has any idea??



今天Maggie要回台湾了… 早上,我们就到阿嫲的店里 (Chongkok Kopitiam) 吃早餐啦~
男的可以那么早起来,呵呵… 当然一定要吃my favourite order—— nasi lemak + milo 冰啦~
nasi lemak@ Chongkok Kopitiam
好怀念啊,这nasi lemak~~ 回想起来,也吃了这nasi lemak有十年多了吧??卖nasi lemak的makcik可以说是看着我们长大的啦… 可是那么久没来吃了,今天戴着cap点nasi lemak的时候,被makcik念了一下:「一大早的戴着帽子,都认不出你来啦~」,然后问我工作了没?“哥哥”还在台湾吗?
*汗了一下* … “Makcik, tu adik saya, bukan abang~ Sudah balik, dah kerja.”
感觉上好多看着我们长大的uncle aunty也都会以为我弟是我哥啊~ *看来我真的是矮~*
Maggie和Juhan就吃最赞且经典的碳烤面包+半熟蛋啦~ 呵呵,想到又想吃了… 碳烤的面包香,配上home-made kaya和butter… *流口水*
到了KLIA,突然觉得… 怎么那个departure的check-in 看板要那么高??为什么字体那么小??而且… 怎么字母转动那么慢啊?那也就算了,一个个来,竟然才下午十二点多,就开始显示晚上23:00等的check-in counter?! 这有够浪费时间的吧?…*糟糕,怎么心里突然觉得上海浦东机场设计比较好?*
陪Maggie check-in后,时间还早,就想说吃点东西好了… 原本我们想吃Burger King,可是才发觉:为什么KLIA没有BK?! 虽然说可能是因为有McD,所以最好不要有BK,可是… 人家HKIA不嘛两个都有~ 哎… 好想吃Burger King哦…
那既然没有,我们又不想吃McD了,所以直接去KFC好了… 反正也很久没吃KFC了。
我们都点了Snack Plate,好久没吃的KFC,突然觉得:怎么鸡腿那么小?!是跟着中国市场一样要用小小的鸡腿吗?!虽然那鸡胸块是at least正常,可是竟然有一点点烧焦味,omg~ *失望* 
Maggie @ KLIA  Juhan
结果走过去后发现那通道可以目送人到transit train那里,然后有个月台供人看飞机起飞~ 吼,这些年来回机场那么多次竟然都不知道耶~
原本没预料到可以目送到那么里面的,我们走着走着,一边走一边找Maggie,然后在她过了安检那里找到她了。弟弟打电话叫她往上来,感觉Maggie有惊喜到,呵呵~ 她在电话那头说感觉好像在zoo的动物被人观赏哦…
(后来听Maggie说她抬头望我们的那一刹那眼睛湿了一下,太突然了… *呵呵,有感动到hor? *)
哎,Maggie回台湾了... 接下来的日子,剩下我一个人在家里宅了... *虽然说如果她在,也就是两个人一起宅*


bakuteh morning

Maggie is returning to Taiwan on Saturday so yesterday, ahma suggested bakuteh for breaksfast. We said to leave at 8am.
However, I couldn’t sleep well and so I woke up at 6am in the morning. The smell of breeze in the morning, after a night of rain, is seriously refreshing… Make me wanna say “GOOD MORNING WORLD~” A little waste of the morning breeze, i watched some drama online instead, while waiting for everyone to wake up.
But then… When it’s 8:20am, there’s still no sign of anyone getting up… haiz…
After the one-by-one morning call… FINALLY we get to leave for breakfast~
Rosie at the door 
See, even Rosie woke up so early~
Anyway, so we came to this restaurant in Taman Chi-long… (Actually you can find bakuteh in almost every corner in Klang,  whether it taste good depends on your personal preference…)
happy cousin & my bro
We ordered & my aunt starts to make tea.
Aunty making tea Aunt & grandma 
Normally we’ll rinse the tea cup in hot water first before we use it… noticed the water is hot so we use fork to take it out..? Haha..
Well, since we have A LOT & various tea leaves in our house, today we brought two of them & so we had both Long-Jin tea & Pu-Er tea.. Both very nice… of fine quality, of course…
After a short while, our meal is served~
but WAIT~!! PHOTO session FIRST~~ Maggie quickly takes photo of her first bakuteh meal this summer…
Maggie taking photos of bakuteh...
Well, of course i’ll have my turn as well… Yup yup, showing you the DELICIOUS bakuteh~~~ *yum*
 delicious bakuteh~
Oh i just simply LOVE bakuteh…


Black Sunday

今天一大早起身一看,怎么手机还是显示"Inactive SIM"呢??
郁闷的心情,只想静静宅在家里... 补充元气 + 没钱啊 (昨天身上的钱都被某人搜刮走了...)

看了星光大道后,姐姐打电话来问说她们教会在8月有一个family camp,她想带两个小瓜去,可是一个人照顾不了两个,问我要不要一起去?我就说好啊,反正应该也没什么事情做… 然后侬姨也打电话来问我有没有去,顺便问我要不要一起吃午饭?
有午饭吃我当然要吃啦~ (感觉最近的我应该都会从此过着这种生活)
结果去到阿嫲家,突然看见一个出家人在帮阿姨祈福之类的… 整个有吓到一下~  据说这出家阿伯是有着“家族渊源”的,是世交… 怎么之前都没听说过呢?那其实也不重要。重点在于阿嫲一看见他就问他我的运如何?结果出家人似乎就很有兴趣帮我算了…
侬姨说得出去吃饭原来是要带阿伯去吃午餐(当然是吃斋菜)… 虽然我不排斥吃素菜,可是那些斋肉类的… 真的早知道的话我就可能不去吃了啦~
后来谈起妹妹因为男朋友信佛而也跟着不吃牛肉的时候,阿伯突然跟我说:“你的命中不好吃牛肉~” 听到这么一句真的… 我自小没禁口的,而且那么多年来牛肉几乎是我的最爱了~
吃完饭后回到家,阿嫲阿姨准备了榴莲~ 我看到榴莲好开心哦,好久没吃了~ 结果阿伯一看到那榴莲就摇头说:这榴莲太熟了,你看,没很好… 接着吃了后:这榴莲不好吃,不够苦~ 这种比较甜的可能你们女生比较喜欢吃吧,如果是MJ(我舅舅)就很会挑,应该也是会选苦的… *阿伯,你嘴也未免太刁了吧?*
1. 你的好运在今年小雪之后,现在快快找后门关系好能今年十月一举成功考到执照.... *我真的无语了*我连书都还没看过没准备过,阿伯你还真以为我可以凭空脑袋去应考吗??(可见阿伯说话的实际度)
2. 你千万不要太早婚,30岁前都不要结婚,要不然你婚姻不会好,会离婚的…*阿伯,虽然我本来就没打算太早婚,不过你这一句真的比较想诅咒多于劝告*
3. “你这老二很辛苦,命中要做牛做马...” 虽然很早以前就有此觉悟地认份了,可是被人再三强调的感觉真的很想扁人~
4.  你知道吗?“博爱”是来源于佛教。佛教是从中国传到印度(还是vice versa,忘记了),然后再到国外… 外国人学了之后几千年再传回来中国和马来西亚这里,所以blah blah blah… *听到这里我真的无语问苍天了啦~  我从头到尾都没跟你argue过什么,也很想尽量避开这种话题了,我现在到底是招谁惹谁啊?你信你的我信我的就好,你干嘛非得这么说呢?*
当然其实出家阿伯的“金言”不少(包括阿姨她们一些),不过在我听起来10句里8句是一派胡言… 真的不知道我今天是走什么运竟然在家里呆也会遇见和尚?
我立刻火大得打电话给Digi customer service,结果那客服查了一查,说我那电话号码的注册名字不是我,是别人,而且我昨天的那个application denied的?!
唯一解决当时就是我明天还得到digi去领过一个号码做怎么样… 靠!!
Damn Digi~ you're totally f-up~~!! I registered the line yesterday & been waiting for it to activate til now... turns out it's not my no~ 超火大!!!