

郁闷的日子,唯一期待就是屠妖节前夕跟老朋友们见个面吃个饭... *外加喝点酒*
老朋友的聚会,没拍什么照片...  以下这张已经是夜深人静,一部分的人已经回家之后的事...

跟老朋友在家里喝的好处:不用担心酒后驾驶,直接倒头大睡... 而且喝醉不需理由,也不用担心喝醉后会出事 :)
嗯,开心的夜晚~ *不过这一次还是没醉... 只是喝到很温暖很好睡*





据说很多人就为了那球而去买波仔水... 当然就是喝完汽水之后打破瓶子拿出球。
味道? 其实喝起来就是水果味汽水。



不喜欢每个人开口关口就问考试如何,真的... 关你们什么事?
考得怎样?就这样咯,会的就会,不会的就不会... 考过就算了,我怎么知道考得怎样?
不喜欢跟人家讨论严肃的话题,可最近也没在注意什么电影音乐,没什么light topic好聊的。



清粥小菜@ Eat-zy Teow Chew

话说好像不少人喜欢吃潮州粥,所以就来到了SS14的Eat-zy Teow Chew 来点清粥小菜。



夢到我要回家,卻沒有人願意來帶我回家。把我一個人遺留在這裡... 慢慢地等待。

告訴寶貝后,他說 Don't worry dear, I promise I will take you home.
很窩心,謝謝有你 :)


Depression Test

DisorderYour Score
Major Depression:High-Moderate
Bipolar Disorder:Very Slight
Cyclothymia:Very Slight
Seasonal Affective Disorder:Slight-Moderate
Postpartum Depression:N/A
Take the Depression Test

Low mood, lethargic, lost of interest, sleepy all the time... :(






Guys, be a man!

Watched this movie, Something Borrowed couple of days ago:

  • Well, Dex and Rachel were study mates in law school and obviously they're fond of each other.
  • Somehow down the road came Rachel's happy-go-lucky best friend, Darcy who takes everything easily.
  • Due to some misinterpretation, Dex ended up with Darcy and yeah, they're about to get married... and THEN only Dex and Rachel found out that they loved each other all along! 
  • =.= Stupid but yeah, that's what norms do due to: shyness, misinterpretation, ego, want-face, blah... 
  • So they confessed and had a short affair where Dex, being the guy living to satisfy expectations instead of what he wants (well, just like most of us) don't dare to call off the wedding... Until Rachel decides to give up on him and move on with her life.
  • Thank God in the end Dex kinda realized he's gonna missed the love of his life & found his guts to cancel the wedding & be with Rachel.
The whole point here... Is about what guys does.

Just like other  buddy-friend-couple scenario you'll see in young romance movie, the boy is a ladies-man, he's caring, he's gentleman, he's a girl's listener, blah blah... and so a girl fell for him. She confessed, he rejected for who-knows-what reason. Since they're friends, of course they still hang out once in a while. Apparently every time when the girl decides to move on, the boy always gives hope. Once he was drunk and told her, " I shouldn't have rejected you.." and then when he's back in consciousness the second day, it's back to normal and nothing happens... *I feel like fly-kick somebody*

Guys, why can't you just make things simple and clear and let us girls move on with our lives? Is it that hard just to give a confirmed answer and settle the issue? *roll eye* I wonder sometimes how does guys' brain function. Don't complicate it. If you don't like the girl, just tell her! Don't give hope, can?
Thank God she's smart enough to move on without him.
Picture from http://superpaula.tumblr.com
Just like I what I tell my girlfriends, if the guy is such a kiddo that can't give a clear-cut answer, you might as well give up and stop wasting time on him. Who knows he does that with other girls too?

I have a friend whom just met a very charming and cute guy, he told her he likes her, they went out for a sweet night. So what's next? The girl's not sure whether the guy is planning to have further move or just friends. I said just ask and get on. Don't be afraid of scaring the guy off. If he's really such a good guy, he won't be intimidated & he'll talk it out with you. *Heck, don't forget he's the one who asked you out in the first place, k?* 
Btw, guys, girls confess because you're charming, ok? So please stop playing hide-and-seek and say "I don't know"!!! Urgh...

Of course, every one loves to just sit back and relax and best of all, no need to make choices! But that's not the way of life! You won't have your mama to decide everything for you throughout your life! Grow Up!

I once heard, "Guys are MALE by nature, MAN by CHOICE!". So if you wanna be a man, start taking up some responsibility!

Good luck to you girls...